Since 1979 Brigadoon has been the place to go for wonderful, fun to wear, anywhere clothing. Our customers know they will get specialized customer service and they love finding quality, unique, unusual items that are timeless. They want easy to care for fabrics. Things that can take them from bridge to dinner on the town. They look for outfits that can be dressed up or down.

 Fridaze fits into our ever changing wardrobes. Pair the concept of “refined linen” with a well established and experienced ladies boutique and it’s a match for success. Our customers want to look as fresh when they go for cocktails as they did when they headed out the door in the morning. Fridaze allows them to enjoy great looking styles in the most fabulous easy care, no wrinkle, no iron linen.

 Our customers continue to return for more styles and colors. By wearing the collection they are our best advertisements. We have more ladies that come in and say “ My friend had on something last night that I loved. She said she bought it at Brigadoon”… And so the next Fridaze experience begins!

 We believe in Fridaze at Brigadoon… We wear it and love it and enjoy sharing the joy of looking and feeling great with our customers. Come visit us!

Pam | Owner, Brigadoon, Naples, FL

Brigadoon Success Story 11.23.2018  (2).jpeg
Brigadoon Success Story 11.23.2018  (1).jpeg
Joyce TangBrigadoon